#communicate verbally in French, #prancūzų kalba, #writing French, #speak French, #verbally interact in French, #deliver live presentation, #Demonstrating skills in report writing and presentations geared towards a variety of audiences, #Siekti užsibrėžtų edukacinių tikslų pasitelkiant konkrečius būdus ir metodus, kurie skatina kūrybiškumą ir problemų sprendimą, #Užtikrinti, kad komandos žinios, įgūdžiai, stiliai ir prioritetai yra dalijami ir perteikiami, #Bendradarbiavimas komandose, #assist teamwork between students, #create a plan of teamwork, #develop teamwork schedule, #planuoti kolektyvo darbą, #teamwork methods, #teamwork approaches, #encourage teamwork between students, #facilitating teamwork between students, #ieškoti informacijos internetu, #Encourages curiosity about their own learning process, #generate creative ideas, #encourage creative processes, #Enables participants to be creative and think out of the box, #developing creative ideas, #plėtoti kūrybines idėjas, #creative thinking, #brainstorming ideas, #brainstorming, #generate creative ideas, #encourage creative processes, #developing creative ideas, #plėtoti kūrybines idėjas, #create creative ideas, #produce creative ideas, #creative thinking, #planuoti kolektyvo darbą, #keeping logbooks, #keep logbooks, #develop a portfolio, #conduct presentations to the public, #rengti ir skaityti viešus pranešimus, #conducting presentations to the public, #conducting public presentations, #deliver live presentation, #communicate verbally in French, #prancūzų kalba, #verbally interact in French, #speak French