Awor ku bo tin un idea di kiko ta un análisis di S.W.O.T., ban pa un ehersisio práktiko. E ehersisio akí lo yuda bo identifiká bo propio puntonan fuerte i débil i tambe oportunidat i menasa den bo bida.
- Krea un lista di por lo ménos 5 kalidat i abilidat ku bo tin. Pensa riba áreanan ku bo ta sobresalí aden, manera logro akadémiko, deportivo, kreativo, abilidat den komunikashon i mas.
Abilidat di siglo 21 ku nos ta desaroyá den e tarea akí:
Pensamentu krítiko: bo ta analisá bo mes i bo alrededor pa tuma mihó desishon.
Solushon di problema: bo ta identifiká debilidat i menasa i buska solushon.
Abilidat pa komunikashon: bo por artikulá bo pensamentu i opinion.
Konosementu propio: bo ta haña un bista den bo puntonan fuerte i débil
Regulashon propio: bop or krea plan pa logra bo metanan basá riba bo analisis.
Bo tin 5 minüt pa kompletá e tarea akí. Tuma tempu pa pensa bon i ta importante pa bo ta honesto ku bo mes. E abilidatnan akí lo yuda bo tuma desishonnan importante den futuro i lo yuda bo plania pa bo kresementu personal i profeshonal.
Si bo tin kualke pregunta, puntra libremente.
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SWOT it up! Step 1: Identify your Strengths Получить бейдж
Now that you have an idea of what a S.W.O.T. analysis is, let's dive into a practical exercise. This exercise will help you identify your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats in your life.
Step-by-step S.W.O.T. analysis assignment:
Step 1: Identify your Strengths
- Create a list of at least 5 strong qualities or skills you possess. Think about areas where you excel, such as academic achievements, sports, creativity, communication skills, and more.
21st Century Skills we are developing during this assignment:
Critical thinking: You are analyzing yourself and your environment to make better decisions.
Problem-solving: You are identifying weaknesses and threats and seeking solutions.
Communication skills: You can articulate your thoughts and insights clearly.
Self-awareness: You gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses.
Self-regulation: You can create plans to achieve your goals based on your analysis.
You have 5 minutes to complete this assignment. Take the time to think thoroughly and be honest with yourself. These skills will help you make important decisions in the future and plan for your personal and professional growth.
Good luck! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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