Dear stakeholders, we are delighted to invite you to participate in the follow up event about the platform Curacao Island of Learning.
This event is the third in line of several meetings that will be organized for organisations from Curacao who want to involve Cities of Learning and Open Badges (digital credentials).
To be prepared for this in-person event we have shared the recording from the introductory webinar of last 13th via email with participants, 2023. It's important also to consider starting to take a look at the Curacao Island of Learning platform in order to register on the platform and create an organiser account. Please keep in mind that if there are more than one person from organisation you should use the same organiser and do not create multiple organisations with the same name.
We are excited to welcome you next friday.
Event Timing: April 21th, 2023 | 09:00 - 15:30h

Fokkerweg, Willemstad, Curaçao