Community building event related to the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme on Curacao related to the Middle Curacao Biosphere Reserve on 12-11-2021. Including a pubquiz to learn more about the landscape and a mini hackaton to brainstorm about possible ideas.
Pubquiz and mini Hackaton Man and Biosphere Bario Willibrodus 20211112 Gauk šį ženkliuką
Community building event related to the Man and Biosphere Programme on Curacao related to the Middle Curacao Biosphere Reserve on 12-11-2021. Including a pubquiz to learn more about the landscape and a mini hackaton to brainstorm about possible ideas.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio narys
Participate in activity
Willibrordus St Willibrordus, Banda Abou, Sint Willibrordus, Curaçao
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