Creating quality Open Badges and badge systems

Skills to Create Quality Badges and Badge Systems

Información de la insigniaReconocimientos
Debes obtener todas las insignias de la lista siguiente
This badge shows my understanding and increased skills in creating digital open badges and badge systems to recognise learning and achievements. To earn this badge, I had to complete 4 mandatory and one optional activity:

Mandatory: Activity: What is an Open Badge?; Activity: How to start using Open Badges?; Activity: How to create a quality badge?; Activity: Create badge systems and learning pathways.
Optional: Activity: Badge create tutorials

This badge is issued as a part of the online course leading to the achievement of the Badge Quality Label.
Tarea no.1
Emitido por el organizador o escaneando el código QR
Finish all mandatory playlist activities:
  • What is an Open Badge?
  • How to start using Open Badges?
  • How to create a quality badge?
  • How to create badge systems and learning pathways?


Creating quality Open Badges and badge systems
Badgecraft alberga esta plataforma y la desarrolla junto con organizaciones líderes educativas. El consorcio Europeo desarrolla esta plataforma con la cofinanciación del programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
Cambiar a otro idioma:
Cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea