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The owner of this Spotting Opportunities badge has completed a SWOT analysis of their community and thereby shown to:
  • recognise opportunities to create valuable services and products in their community and surroundings.
  • recognise challenges in their community and surroundings that can contribute to solving.
  • identify needs in their community and surroundings that have not been met.
  • recognise the different roles the public, private and third sectors play in their region or country.

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers at the skill ‘Spotting Opportunities’ which connects with the area Ideas and Opportunities (foundation level) of Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks. Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Step1: Create a S.W.O.T Analysis for your community (or the service or product that your organisation has), you can use this SWOT Analyses worksheet 

Step 2: After completing the SWOT, identify what organisations are working in providing support for the Weaknesses and Threats.

Step 3: Identify ways and things you personally could do to respond to the Opportunities.
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#Identify, create and seize opportunities
#Focus on challenges
#Uncover needs
#Analyse the context
Badgecraft размещает эту платформу и разрабатывает ее вместе с ведущими образовательными организациями. Программа Европейского Союза Erasmus+ выделила софинансирование для создания первой версии этой платформы. Свяжитесь с support@badgecraft.eu.
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Со-финансировано в рамках программы Erasmus+ Европейского Союза
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