BIDA ta un abreviashon di 'Behoefte In Digitale Aangroei'.
Den e projekto Bida i Arte, nos di Kas di Barber ta instruí e muchanan dunando nan un enseñansa di 'Scratchcoding', 'Snapcircuits' i arte. Pa loke ta trata 'Scratchcoding', nos ta siña e mucha nan traha wega, poster i mensahenan bunita uzando 'Blockcoding' den e programa ku jama Scratch. Pa loke ta trata 'Snapcircuits', nos ta siña e muchanan pa traha sirkuitonan asina pa nan por sa kon koriente ta traha. Pa loke ta trata Arte, nos ta siña e muchanan kon pa toka un instrumento, pinta, fèrf i traha kos dushi. Tur esaki ta enserá e projecto ku jama Bida I Arte.
Activities to complete
Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
'Block-based coding' Pa 'Beginners' ta enserá enseñansa tokante 'blockcoding' den un programa ku jama 'Scratch'. Den e programa aki e muchanan por traha diferente wega i traha mensahe nan bunita. Nos a siña e muchanan tambe ku pa traha un historia den 'Scratch' i kon pa traha un perfil pa kada un.
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact