Through these activities, you can recognize and improve the following skill: Look for support when you have trouble with the time management.
Following the learning activities which target the above skills will lead to your gaining of Time Manager badge.
How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks. Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.
This badge is part of the EntreComp , the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.
The holder of this badge has worked in collaboration with a supporter.
Time Management Tips…
- Schedule everything – gosh, I’m organized, but scheduling EVERYTHING is tough. When you’re running a business (or a department or even a family), stuff comes up.
- Prioritize your tasks – despite having to deal with unexpected issues and opportunities, understanding priorities is key! Certainly, staffing trumps blogging, but blogging surely ranks higher than data entry (which can be, and was, Delegated to experts!). But, what of that presentation that I need to deliver in September? When I’m really on top of my game (or spinning out of control), I write everything down on one To Do list, look it over, and decide in what order I’m going to attack each task. That seems to help!
- Reduce Distractions – another difficult one for me. My inbox is always so swarmed that I need to force myself to turn off new-email notifications and focus on the task at hand.
- Take time to pause and think – With a lot of transition happening in my world, plus my need to focus on the development of new products and a presentation on Building Communication and Relationships at Work, I have to admit I’ve been disciplined at taking time to think.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Here is ABCDE method which will support you in prioritizing stuff to do. It is, in fact, the like a to-do list on steroids!
The ABCDE Method identifies those task that leads to success while, at the same time, determines those items that are nothing but distractions. The concept behind the ABCDE Method is that we assign different letters to tasks depending on their priority, like you can see in the image under.
Think of no more than 3 tasks/letter. In other words, A means “must do”, B is “should do”, C is “nice to do”, D stands for “can be delegated” and E means “can be deleted”.
Use the attached template to try this method for the tasks of one day and let us know whether it works for you.

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The ABCD method helps you get organized and, therefore, productive. But what to do if you tend to procrastinate tasks? Maybe, to your knowledge, you can be either productive, or procrastinator, no space between them.
Reflect on the new-gained information on this Youtube clip. What do you think? Is there a grey area between the two opposite concepts?
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